OK Emerging Ink
February 2024
Felix Jacobs
Our first OK Young Writer feature for 2024 is 18-year-old Felix Jacobs (He/They). Felix is a current senior at Odyssey Leadership Academy and has submitted a piece of fantasy fiction titled, Pile of Keys.
Winter Egret
sing your melancholy melodies
as you soar between the snowy branches
from which hang glittering Keys
feel their warmth between your talons
as you pick a fire to condemn
Key clutched tight, fly to oceans of ice
that glimmer under silver moonlight
does it feel good
as you drop the Key into the pile
abandoning your anger
as it clinks against a Key of sorrow?
Winter Egret
fly back to the nearly-empty tree
branches freezing without the warmth
of its burning golden Keys
ask yourself,
does it feel good?
or is emptiness
not the same as relief?
Winter Egret
with a heart of branches and leaves
one day, you know, the ice will crack
or the barren tree will freeze
Barren Trees
Winter Egret
raise your head
as the Ebony Crow flies by
singing songs of trust and betrayal
of Water and ice
not unlike songs you used to cry.
the Ebony Crow is far from home
and could use a word of guidance
you could ignore its songs and remain alone
or fight the cold to provide it.
Ebony Crow,
the Egret sings,
its voice empty and frigid.
do not fly alone through the snow
for the storms are mean and wicked.
you’re not where you intend to be
in a world of frost and sorrow
if it’s help you need, then allow me,
I’ll have you back by tomorrow.
the Crow flies down and lands on a branch
above the Egret’s head
it studies the Egret with inky eyes
before it turns away and says,
Winter Egret, you are mistaken,
you cannot help me go.
you need the help far more than I,
for you’ve chosen to be cold and alone.
if you wish to change, then return your Keys
and chase the cold away.
and with that, it opens its ebony wings
and continues on its way.
Winter Egret
soar through the trees
and to the frozen ocean.
look frantically for your pile of Keys,
but the ice had long ago broken.